Electrically small genetic antennas immersed in a dielectric

The antennas were optimized using a genetic algorithm and have a configuration that has been designated as a crooked wire genetic antenna. Immersing these antennas in a dielectric will further reduce their electrical size. Since these antennas have an awkward configuration, the most convenient way to test them is in a dielectric powder. However, since the powder is free flowing, its dielectric constant is a function of its bulk density and it is important to determine how representative the powder is of a solid dielectric. Thus, in order to establish a benchmark for the dielectric powder, we first measured the dependence of the resonant frequency, radiation resistance and Q of a resonant monopole as a function of the dielectric constant, and the diameter of the dielectric cylinder in which the monopole is immersed. Then we repeated these measurements for two electrically small, self-resonant genetic antennas immersed in dielectric powders.