Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty
UNIT I FACULTY AND STUDENTS 1. Teaching in Nursing: The Faculty Role Linda M. Finke, PhD, RN 2. The Diverse Learning Needs of Students Virginia Richardson, DNS, RN, CPNP 3. The Academic Performance of Students: Legal Ethical Issues Elizabeth G. Johnson, DSN, RN, Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN 4. Teaching Students with Disabilities Betsy Frank, PhD, RN, Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN UNIT II CURRICULUM 5. Curriculum Development: An Overview Nancy Dillard, DNS, RN, Linda Siktberg, PhD, RN 6. Forces and Issues Influencing Curriculum Development Joanne Rains Warner, DNS, RN 7. Philosophical Foundations of the Curriculum Judie Csokasy, PhD, RN 8. Curriculum Designs Donna L. Boland, PhD, RN, Linda M. Finke, PhD, RN 9. Developing Curriculum: Frameworks, Outcomes, and Competencies Donna L. Boland, PhD, RN 10. Selecting Learning Experiences to Achieve Curriculum Outcomes Pam Jeffries, DNS, RN 11. Service Learning: Developing Values and Social Responsibility Carla Mueller, PhD, RN UNIT III TEACHING AND LEARNING 12. From Teaching to Learning: Theoretical Foundations Melissa Vandeveer, PhD, RN, PNP 13. Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking and Active Learning Connie J. Rowles, DSN, RN, CNAA 14. Improving Teaching and Learning: Classroom Assessment Techniques Connie J. Rowles, DSN, RN, CNAA 15. Teaching in a Clinical Setting Lillian Stokes, PhD, RN, Gail Kost, MSN, RN UNIT IV TEACHING, LEARNING, AND INFORMATION RESOURCES 16. The Learning Resource Center Kay E. Hodson-Carlton, EdD, RN, FAAN, Pamela J. Worrell-Carlisle, PhD, RN 17. Using Media, Multimedia, and Technology-Rich Learning Environments Enid Errante Zwirn, PhD, MPH, RN 18. Teaching and Learning at a Distance Charlene E. Clark, MEd, RN, FAAN, Roy W. Ramsey, EdD, RN 19. Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Environments Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN, Diane M. Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN UNIT V EVALUATION 20. The Evaluation Process: An Overview Mary P. Bourke, PhD (c), RN, Barbara A. Ihrke, PhD, RN 21. Strategies for Evaluating Learning Outcomes Jane M. Kirkpatrick, MSN, RN, Diann DeWitt-Weaver, DNS, RN, Lillian Yaeger, EdD, RN, 22. Developing and Using Classroom Tests Prudence Twigg, PhD(c), RN, APRN-BC 23. Clinical Performance Evaluation Wanda Bonnel, PhD, RN 24. Educational Program Evaluation Marcia Sauter, DNS, RN INDEX