Policy management using access control spaces

We present the concept of an access control space and investigate how it may be useful in managing access control policies. An access control space represents the permission assignment state of a subject or role. For example, the set of permissions explicitly assigned to a role defines its specified subspace, and the set of constraints precluding assignment to that role defines its prohibited subspace. In analyzing these subspaces, we identify two problems: (1) often a significant portion of an access control space has unknown assignment semantics, which indicates that the policy is underspecified; and (2) often high-level assignments and constraints that are easily understood result in conflicts, where resolution often leads to significantly more complex specifications. We have developed a prototype system, called Gokyo, that computes access control spaces. Gokyo identifies the unknown subspace to assist system administrators in developing more complete policy specifications. Also, Gokyo identifies conflicting subspaces and enables system administrators to resolve conflicts in a variety of ways in order to preserve the simplicity of constraint specification. We demonstrate Gokyo by analyzing a Web server policy example and examine its utility by applying it to the SELinux example policy. Even for the extensive SELinux example policy, we find that only eight additional expressions are necessary to resolve Apache administrator policy conflicts.

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