한국 전통건축 분류체계에 따른 건축문화재 BIM 연구 동향
Today"s construction based on building information modeling(BIM) can be approach Architectural heritage management to be background with Classification of Korean wooden building system. In this study, we define the 3D Classification system of Architectural heritage. first, we reviewed researches related to classification system of architectural heritage (CS-AH) and BIM based architectural heritage (BIM-AH). As a result, we found that CS-AH is focused on building elevation and type, and BIM-AH is biased on the Library and Parametric Modeling. Second, we figured out a relationship between the CS-AH and BIM-AH. From this analysis, we found that BIM-AH is biased on Library and Parametric since the building elevation and type was focused on CS-AH. This review suggests a potential of the 3D CS-AH to expand the range of research for BIM-AH.