Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Benchmarking on Selected Test Cases Within the NextMuSE Initiative

In this paper are presented comparisons of SPH variants on academic test cases classically used to validate numerical fluid dynamics software. These comparisons are extracted from NextMuSE FP7 project activities which will be published more extensively in the near future. One of the goals of this project was to better understand the SPH method and to leave the path to its establishment within CFD methods. An important work load was thus dedicated to benchmark SPH variants on selected test cases.A number of results and conclusions of this comparative study are presented in this paper. The studied variants are: standard weekly-compressible SPH, δ-SPH, Riemann-SPH, incompressible SPH, and FVPM. The majority of the test cases also present a reference solution, either experimental or computed using a mesh-based solver. Test cases include: wave propagation, flow past a cylinder, jet impact, floating body, bubble rise, dam break on obstacle, floating body dynamics, etc. Conclusions may help SPH practitioners to choose one variant or another and shall give detailed understanding necessary to derive further improvements of the method.Copyright © 2013 by ASME