A knowledge-based care protocol system for ICU.

There is a growing interest in using care maps in ICU. So far, the emphasis has been on developing the critical path, problem/outcome, and variance reporting for specific diagnoses. This paper presents a conceptual knowledge-based care protocol system design for the ICU. It is based on the manual care map currently in use for managing myocardial infarction in the ICU of the Sturgeon General Hospital in Alberta. The proposed design uses expert rules, object schemas, case-based reasoning, and quantitative models as sources of its knowledge. Also being developed is a decision model with explicit linkages for outcome-process-measure from the care map. The resulting system is intended as a bedside charting and decision-support tool for caregivers. Proposed usage includes charting by acknowledgment, generation of alerts, and critiques on variances/events recorded, recommendations for planned interventions, and comparison with historical cases. Currently, a prototype is being developed on a PC-based network with Visual Basic, Level-Expert Object, and xBase. A clinical trial is also planned to evaluate whether this knowledge-based care protocol can reduce the length of stay of patients with myocardial infarction in the ICU.