Data Quality within National Access Point for Provision of Multimodal Travel Information within European Union

Multimodal travel information includes static or dynamic travel and traffic data covering two or more modes of transport with the possibility to compare options regarding transport modes. According to EU directives, multimodal travel information services within European Union should be available, accurate and provided to various users. They should be accessible through appropriate National Access Points, one of whose main tasks is mutual interaction for the exchange of travel and traffic information, which EU member states should provide according to the EU Intelligent Transport Systems Directive (EU ITS Directive) and some delegated regulations. This paper provides a brief analysis of regulations that define requirements, key stakeholders and required data categories, which are presented together with the system architecture and functional requirements on a conceptual level. The quality of data is one of the key concerns regarding provisioning of multimodal travel information. This paper will therefore discuss the data quality requirements, as well as quality requirements defined for National Access Points.