High reliability is the primary requirement for messaging system. Messaging system always utilizes disk queue to temporarily store waiting message. This paper analyzes by experiments and points out that disk queue I/O is the primary performance bottleneck in messaging system. To efficiently reduce disk I/O of messaging system, we propose a novel disk queue called SmartQ which utilizes pre-assigned continuous disk space to act as disk queue to reduce file manage overhead. Lazy Gathering Write and Sequential Grouping Prefetching polices of the SmartQ not only reduce the number of write and read, but also make full use of the disk bandwidth. Experiment shows that performance of the SmartQ is more than an order of magnitude higher than that of traditional disk queue.
Mendel Rosenblum,et al.
The design and implementation of a log-structured file system
SOSP '91.
Jonathan Ledlie,et al.
- 1-A Fast File System for Caching Web Objects
M. Frans Kaashoek,et al.
Embedded Inodes and Explicit Grouping: Exploiting Disk Bandwidth for Small Files
USENIX Annual Technical Conference.
Evangelos P. Markatos,et al.
Secondary Storage Management for Web Proxies
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems.
Carlos Maltzahn,et al.
Reducing the Disk I/O of Web Proxy Server Caches
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track.