Experimental results on multi-charge-state lebt approach

A multi-charge-state injector for a high-intensity heavy-ion linac is being developed at ANL. The injector consists of an all-permanent magnet ECR ion source [1], a 100 kV platform and a Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). The latter comprises two 60-degree bending magnets, electrostatic triplets and beam diagnostics stations. At present the injector system allows us to accelerate all ion species up to qtimes100 keV total kinetic energy, where q is the charge state of an ion. In the current installation, the accelerating tube is followed by a 90deg magnet and a beam measurement station [2]. Recently we studied the production of metal ion beams using an oven technique and high intensity light ion beams from the ECR ion. A pepper pot emittance meter based on a scintillator screen has been developed and tested with various CW ion beams. It was found that a Csl (Tl) crystal has a high sensitivity for a variety of ion species from protons to heavy ions with the current densities even below 1 muA/cm2.