Validation of special nodalisation features for lumped-parameter injection modelling based on MISTRA facility tests from ISP-47 and SARNET

Abstract This paper is a continuation of a previously published work regarding application of lumped-parameter code COCOSYS to the containment atmosphere mixing in the presence of jet/plume gas injection. The aim of the previous study was to develop a nodalisation scheme for satisfactory simulation of MISTRA M5 experiment. For this paper the aim was expanded to include the demonstration of nodalisation applicability to different experimental sequence. The task was defied to simulate additional MISTRA facility experiment using the same (except the differences caused by different experimental conditions, e.g., injection diameter) nodalisation scheme. The paper presents results of the simulation of two MISTRA facility experiments – M5 from the SARNET spray benchmark and one test from the International Standard Problem No. 47. Presented simulations were performed using lumped-parameter code COCOSYS with the same enhanced nodalisation scheme. Lumped-parameter code provided reasonable results in both cases. Nodalisational features employed to enhance plume injection simulation in lumped-parameter approach successfully mitigated inherent limitations of this approach in gas mixing modelling.