Modelling of Rigid-Body and Elastic Aircraft Dynamics for Flight Control Development.

Abstract : The purpose of this effort was to provide a method of developing a linear model of an elastic aircraft. The model provides the capability to analyze the coupling between the rigid and elastic motion of the aircraft. The method developed in this effort obtains stability derivatives directly from unsteady aerodynamic forces. This results in a state space model whose states are just the normal aircraft states and rates, the structural coordinates and rates, and the control surface positions and rates. Using a representation of the YF-17 wind tunnel flutter model, it was demonstrated that the methodology developed predicted the required dynamics to make this a viable method of modelling rigid body and flutter behavior of the model. Flutter control laws were designed for motion about an equilibrium condition represented by a velocity 20% above the flutter velocity. Both classical and modern techniques yielded acceptable control laws. The control laws were also analyzed at off design conditions to check robustness. Keywords: Aeroelasticity; Airplane models; Aerodynamic Stability; Flight; Controls Systems; Theses.