Effect of ambiguities on SAR picture quality

The degradation of picture quality is studied for a high-resolution, large-swath SAR mapping system subjected to speckle, additive white Gaussian noise, and range and azimuthal ambiguities occurring because of the non-finite antenna pattern produced by a square aperture antenna. The effect of the azimuth antenna pattern was accounted for by calculating the aximuth ambiguity function. Range ambiguities were accounted for by adding appropriate pixels at a range separation corresponding to one pulse repetition period, but attenuated by the antenna pattern. A method of estimating the range defocussing effect which arises from the azimuth matched filter being a function of range is shown. The resulting simulated picture was compared with one degraded by speckle and noise but no ambiguities. It is concluded that azimuth ambiguities don't cause any noticeable degradation but range ambiguities might.