A portfolio approach to learning professional skills

In addition to the myriad of technical skills that engineers learn during their undergraduate years, ABET as well as employers, now require that students have exposure to additional professional skills. However, in most programs, it is unrealistic to add courses to teach students skills such as goal setting, leadership, diversity, and global interactions. To enable students to learn and hone these invaluable skills a portfolio approach has been instituted. This portfolio, termed the Professional Development Transcript, allows students to identify instances throughout their undergraduate careers in which they are exposed to the seven identified professional skills and then use those experiences to undergo a self- assessment, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to improve their skills. One positive aspect of this approach is that students set their own long and short term goals and then self-assess their performance in each of the seven areas. However, faculty support is also necessary to ensure each student's self- assessment and goals are realistic. The student's quarterly progress is discussed during advising sessions and within some courses. The use of the Professional Development Transcript allows students to hone professional skills that are necessary to their success in industry without forcing new content into already overburdened curricula. However, the usefulness of this tool is linked to the engagement of the students and faculty interaction during advising sessions.