“卫星导航定位理论与方法”的教学实践探讨 Practice and Research on Theory and Method of Satellite Navigation and Positioning

当下多系统多频GNSS高精度数据处理已成为卫星导航研究领域的热点问题,其目的在于培养学生的综合能力与创新能力。文章针对“卫星导航定位理论与方法”课程中的主要内容和典型问题,提出了改进的教学模式和考核方法,并在实践中取得了较好的教学实践效果。 Multi frequency GNSS high precision data processing has become a hot issue in the field of satellite navigation. The purpose is to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability and innovative ability. In this paper, the main content and typical problems in the course of the theory and method of satellite navigation and positioning are presented, and the improved teaching mode and the method of assessment are put forward, and has achieved good teaching practice effect in the practice.