Smart Heavy Vehicle
: Now a day’s, lot of accidents due to drunken driving and overloading. At times truck drivers do over timing and there are chances of them falling asleep which can lead to accidents. Overloading of vehicles is a daily routine amongst the people concerned with the business. This proves to be very dangerous at times and has resulted in many accidents. Apart from accidents, it also has severe effects on roads and other civil infrastructure. In this project, we are developing an Auto Lock System using Alcohol Breath sensor, Load sensors, IR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor. If alcohol is detected or over loading is detected or if there is petrol theft or sudden petrol leakage or if the driver falls asleep while driving, in any of the above cases the buzzer will buzz and a message will show on LCD regarding the condition and the breaking of the ignition circuit will take place. Keywords: Overloading, Alcohol sensor, Load sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, LCD, Buzzer