Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on “Beyond Time and Errors—Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization” (BELIV 2014, November 10, Paris, France)

Visualization has shown its ability to produce powerful tools for analyzing, understanding, and communicating data and making it accessible for several different tasks and purposes. Impact of visualization to everyday work and personal lives is demonstrated by many successes stories---such as the increasing prevalence of Tableau, the interactive visualizations produced by the New York Times, or toolkits like VTK/Paraview to name just a few. A large community of casual and professional users are increasingly consuming and producing both interactive and static visualizations.While interactive visualizations move from research into practice at an increasing rate, it still remains an important challenge to find appropriate methods to evaluate their utility and usability. There is a growing need in the community to develop special approaches and metrics for evaluation at all stages of the development life cycle that address specific needs in visualization. This need is reflected, for example, in the increasing number of papers on visualization evaluation---not just at BELIV but also in other venues such as the IEEE VIS conferences and EuroVis. The goal of the BELIV workshop is to continue to provide a dedicated event for discussing visualization evaluation and to spread the word on alternative and novel evaluation methods and methodologies in our community.