Histology and histopathology

HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY is an peerreviewed international journal, the purpose of which is to publish original works in English in histology, histopathology and cell biology. Its format is the standard international size of 21 x 27.7 cm. One volume is published every year. Each volume consists of 12 numbers published monthly online. The printed version of the journal includes 4 books every year; each of them compiles 3 numbers previously published online. The price per volume 34 (2019) is 750 euros (only-online) or 800 euros (print+online+postage by surface mail). Impact factor: 2.015. Journal Citation Report® 2017, published by Thomson Scientif ic. SJR: 0.672 according to Scimago Journal Rank powered by Scopus® database 2017.