Testing a MIMIC model of e‐shopping site usage

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a multiple‐indicator‐multiple‐cause (MIMIC) model that assesses the relative influence of various e‐shopping web site design attributes on e‐shopping web site usage intention.Design/methodology/approach – Data from a survey of 261 students are used to test the research model. Factor analysis is performed to ascertain distinct constructs. LISREL analysis of the survey data is then used to test the proposed MIMIC model.Findings – The results showed the effect of the dimensions of content quality (CQ), transaction quality (TQ), playfulness, and security on e‐shopping web site usage. Security is identified as the most important factor in e‐shopping web site success.Research limitations/implications – The theoretical contribution is the systematic evaluation of the relative influence of the four web site design factors on web site usage intention. The degree of influence of specific factors that can motivate continuous use is identified.Practical implications –...

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