The M/G/2 queueing model with service time distribution a mixture of m negative exponential distributions is analysed. The starting point is the functional relation for the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the stationary joint distribution of the workloads of the two servers. By means of Wiener-Hopf decompositions the solution is constructed and reduced to the solution of m linear equations of which the coefficients depend on the zeros of a polynome. Once this set of equations has been solved the moments of the waiting time distribution can be easily obtained. The Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the stationary waiting time distribution has been derived, it is an intricate expression.
Norman Malcolm Hamilton Smith.
On the distribution of queueing times for queues with two servers
Erhan Çinlar,et al.
Introduction to stochastic processes
J.H.A. De Smit,et al.
Many server queieing systems
J. Kiefer,et al.
On the theory of queues with many servers
Vincent Hodgson,et al.
The Single Server Queue.
Per Hokstad,et al.
On the steady-state solution of the M/G/2 queue
Advances in Applied Probability.