Rate-constrained target detection

Given little or no a priori information, a real world detection system has the task of allocating limited resources. Often these resources are themselves detection systems that operate at a slower rate, for example a tracker following a radar. Detection systems that are described by serial multiple decision points with each decision device assumed to be more reliable but slower than the device preceding it are considered. It is shown that because of the rate constraint the Neyman-Pearson criterion is suboptimum. An optimum rate-constraint test is developed which has the same likelihood ratio form as the Neyman-Pearson test. A strategy for controlling multiple-point detection sequences is developed that depends only on local information and is shown to be optimum under fairly broad conditions. The strategy can be implemented in practical systems, since it depends on the hit rate which is both controllable and observable. This approach to decision-making has applications in many fields and shows a promise as both an analysis and design tool. >