Working Women: International Perspectives on Labour and Gender Ideology

1. Women, Work and Skill: Economic Theories and Feminist Perspectives, M. Thea Sinclair 2. Library Work: Gender and the limitations of Dual Labour Market Theory, Maura Luck 3. Images and Goods: Women in Retailing, Adelina Broadbridge 4. Shop Floor Control: The Ideological Construction of Turkish Women Factory Workers, Yildiz Ecevit 5. Prostitution and Tourism in South East Asia, Wendy Lee 6. Return to the Veil: Personal Strategy and Public Participation in Egypt, Homa Hoodfar 7. Women in Struggle: A Case Study in a Kent Mining Community, Avril Leonard 8. Women Shop Stewards in a County Branch of NALGO, Jenny Walton 9. Money and Power: Evaluating Income Generating Projects for Women, Joy Lyon 10. Greek Women and Tourism: Women's Agro-Tourist Co-operatives as an Alternative Form of Organisation, Mary Castelberg-Koulma 11. A Feminist Business in a Capitalist World: Silver Moon Women's Bookshop, Jane Cholmeley.