On the role of shot noise in carrier‐envelope phase stabilization

This paper represents a systematic investigation of detection shot noise in carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stabilization. Numerical simulations are conducted to calculate the influence of shot noise in laser oscillators. These results are compared with experimental results for Ti:sapphire lasers. It is found that shot noise imposes a limitation for obtaining sub-100 mrad CEP jitters. Careful interferometer design is necessary to push this limit toward 10 mrad. In contrast to oscillator stabilization, shot noise appears to play a much more restrictive role in amplifier stabilization. Using spectral interferometry together with spectral broadening in sapphire, it already appears practically challenging to reach sub-100 mrad jitters. Adaption of the optical nonlinearity in the broadening step appears key to further improvements of the CEP jitter of amplified systems. We believe that these improvements open a perspective for currently unfeasible applications of CEP stabilized pulses. Moreover, our considerations can be easily adapted to CEP stabilization of other laser types beyond Ti:sapphire.

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