The Impact of Analysis Ready Data in the Africa Regional Data Cube

Users of satellite Earth observation data typically invest a large amount of effort into data preparation which is a major barrier for many global users and limits the impact and utilization of this data around the world. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) has initiated an effort to define and promote the production and use of Analysis Ready Data (ARD) to lower the burden on global users and increase the use and impact of its data. Through the Open Data Cube (ODC) initiative and its demonstration in Africa, ARD is making an impact on this developing region of the world. This paper discusses how this data and the associated ODC tools are being used to address water extent, land change and urbanization, which are key application areas aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Through the ODC, the impact of ARD is growing rapidly around the world and our ability to address local and national decision-making needs will continue to improve.