Injury Prevention: An International Perspective: Epidemiology, Surveillance, and Policy

1. Introduction: The Importance of Injuries 2. The Epidemiologic Basis for Prevention 3. Assessing the Health Impact of Injuries: Mortality 4. Assessing the Health Impact of Injuries: Morbidity 5. Assessing the Community Impact of Injuries: Costs 6. Determinants of Injuries 7. Traffic Injuries: Introduction 8. Traffic Injuries: Determinants by Road User Type 9. Unintentional Injuries: Drownings, Falls and Burns 10. Other Unintentional Injuries 11. Occupational Injuries 12. Injuries from Disasters 13. Intentional Injuries: Homicide, Suicide and Other Violence 14. Choice and Development of Injury Prevention Programs 15. Treatment and Rehabilitation: The Role of Health Services and Other Sectors 16. Conclusion