Geogrid Reinforced Base Course for Flexible Pavements for Light Aircraft: Literature Review and Test Section Design

Abstract : This report presents the results of a literature review investigating geogrid reinforced base courses for flexible pavements for light aircraft and the design of a geogrid test section for field testing the validity of potential geogrid reinforcement results. The literature review included related areas such as geogrid ballast reinforcement for railroad track bed, reinforcement for aggregate surfaced pavements, and reinforcement for flexible pavements. Based on the literature review, geogrids have application in ballast reinforcement for railroad track bed and in reinforcement for aggregate surfaced pavements. Full- scale field tests have verified that for subgrade CBR strengths of 1.5 to 5.0, geogrid reinforced aggregate surfaced pavements can carry about 3.5 times more traffic repetitions than equivalent nonreinforced pavements before a 1.5-in. rut depth is reached.