Sexual and Seasonal Differences in Foraging of Ladder-Backed Woodpeckers

Differential foraging behavior by the sexes has been noted in several woodpeckers of the genus Dendrocopos (Kilham 1965, 1970, Ligon 1968a, 1968b, Jackson 1970, Short 1971, Willson 1970, Koch et al. 1970, Kisiel 1972). One species, the Ladder-backed Woodpecker (D. scalaris) has received little attention although there is a suggestion that the sexes forage in different ways (Short 1971). In this paper, I present data on the foraging of this species gathered from April 1970 through September 1971 on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Pima Co., Arizona. In addition, comparisons are made with other species of the genus. STUDY AREA AND METHODS