In this paper we analyze the condition number of the stiffness matrices arising in the discretization of selfadjoint and positive definite plane elliptic boundary value problems of second order by finite element methods when using hierarchical bases of the finite element spaces instead of the usual nodal bases. We show that the condition number of such a stiffness matrix behaves like O((log κ)2) where κ is the condition number of the stiffness matrix with respect to a nodal basis. In the case of a triangulation with uniform mesh sizeh this means that the stiffness matrix with respect to a hierarchical basis of the finite element space has a condition number behaving like
$$O\left( {\left( {\log \frac{1}{h}} \right)^2 } \right)$$
instead of
$$O\left( {\left( {\frac{1}{h}} \right)^2 } \right)$$
for a nodal basis. The proofs of our theorems do not need any regularity properties of neither the continuous problem nor its discretization. Especially we do not need the quasiuniformity of the employed triangulations. As the representation of a finite element function with respect to a hierarchical basis can be converted very easily and quickly to its representation with respect to a nodal basis, our results mean that the method of conjugate gradients needs onlyO(log n) steps andO(n log n) computer operations to reduce the energy norm of the error by a given factor if one uses hierarchical bases or related preconditioning procedures. Heren denotes the dimension of the finite element space and of the discrete linear problem to be solved.
W. Wendland.
Elliptic systems in the plane
Randolph E. Bank,et al.
An optimal order process for solving finite element equations
D. Braess.
The contraction number of a multigrid method for solving the Poisson equation
I. Babuska,et al.
Hierarchical Finite Element Approaches Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement
Wolfgang Hackbusch,et al.
Multi-grid convergence theory
I. Gustafsson,et al.
Preconditioning and two-level multigrid methods of arbitrary degree of approximation
Über die Maximumnormkonvergenz der Methode der finiten Elemente bei geringsten Regularitätsvoraussetzungen
Harry Yserentant,et al.
The Convergence of Multi-Level Methods for Solving Finite-Element Equations in the Presence of Singularities
Harry Yserentant,et al.
Hierarchical bases give conjugate gradient type methods a multigrid speed of convergence
R. Bank,et al.
The hierarchical basis multigrid method