일본의 원소전략 프로젝트

As the importance of rare metal is increasing globally, Japan introduced the concept of Strategic Elements in 2004, and started Strategic Elements Project in 2007. The Goal of this project run by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) is to develop high-function materials and components that do not use rare or harmful elements by studying the role and characteristics of the elements that compose materials and components and decide their functions and characteristics. In September 2010, Japanese coast guard arrested a Chinese fishing boat near Senkaku Islands (Diaoyudao Islands by China), which escalated to the territory issue and eventually a big diplomatic and economic conflict. In order to put pressure on Japanese Government, China used an economic option, which is the ban of rare earth export to Japan. This incident doubled Japan’s motivation to develop Strategic Elements and put more efforts into this Project. MEXT set the following three research areas in February 2012: Study of alternative materials using sufficient and harmless elements, Study of applications for the high-functions of Strategic Elements, Study of practical design for components using Strategic Elements. Through a course of gathering the opinion of professionals, MEXT settled down with the following 4 research and study areas for the Strategic Elements Project in June 2012. 1. Magnetic materials to replace Dy, Nd. 2. Catalyst/Battery materials to replace Pt, Rh/Li, Co. 3. Electronic materials to replace In, Ta. 4. Structural materials to replace Nb, Mo. This paper deals with the first area and reviews the results of the research and study as of now.