Spin-adapted density matrix renormalization group algorithms for quantum chemistry.

We extend the spin-adapted density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm of McCulloch and Gulacsi [Europhys. Lett. 57, 852 (2002)] to quantum chemical Hamiltonians. This involves using a quasi-density matrix, to ensure that the renormalized DMRG states are eigenfunctions of Ŝ(2), and the Wigner-Eckart theorem, to reduce overall storage and computational costs. We argue that the spin-adapted DMRG algorithm is most advantageous for low spin states. Consequently, we also implement a singlet-embedding strategy due to Tatsuaki [Phys. Rev. E 61, 3199 (2000)] where we target high spin states as a component of a larger fictitious singlet system. Finally, we present an efficient algorithm to calculate one- and two-body reduced density matrices from the spin-adapted wavefunctions. We evaluate our developments with benchmark calculations on transition metal system active space models. These include the Fe(2)S(2), [Fe(2)S(2)(SCH(3))(4)](2-), and Cr(2) systems. In the case of Fe(2)S(2), the spin-ladder spacing is on the microHartree scale, and here we show that we can target such very closely spaced states. In [Fe(2)S(2)(SCH(3))(4)](2-), we calculate particle and spin correlation functions, to examine the role of sulfur bridging orbitals in the electronic structure. In Cr(2) we demonstrate that spin-adaptation with the Wigner-Eckart theorem and using singlet embedding can yield up to an order of magnitude increase in computational efficiency. Overall, these calculations demonstrate the potential of using spin-adaptation to extend the range of DMRG calculations in complex transition metal problems.

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