Cooperative relaying in a poisson field of interferers: A diversity order analysis

This work analyzes the gains of cooperative relaying in interference-limited networks, in which outages can be due to interference and fading. A stochastic model based on point process theory is used to capture the spatial randomness present in contemporary wireless networks. Using a modification of the diversity order metric, the reliability gain of selection decode-and-forward is studied for several cases. The main results are as follows: the achievable spatial-contention diversity order (SC-DO) is equal to one irrespective of the type of channel which is due to the ineffectiveness of the relay in the MAC-phase (transmit diversity). In the BC-phase (receive diversity), the SC-DO depends on the amount of fading and spatial interference correlation. In the absence of fading, there is a hard transition between SC-DO of either one or two, depending on the system parameters.