Asset Management for Wyoming Counties, Volumes I, II, III

In the fall of 2003, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) and the Wyoming T2/LTAP Center (T2/LTAP) began planning an asset management program to assist counties impacted by oil and gas drilling with management of their road systems. In the spring of 2004, with approval from their county commissioners, Sheridan, Johnson, and Carbon Counties contracted with T2/LTAP to implement asset management programs. WYDOT paid for 90% of the program with federal programming funds with the counties funding the remaining 10%. The overall objectives were to develop an inventory of the counties roads, bridges, culverts, signs, cattleguards, and approaches; to evaluate and assess the condition of these assets; and to estimate the counties’ financial needs. The findings of this study are summarized in four main elements: this main report; an example annual summary report in Volume II; the appendices to this report in Volume III; and a CD available upon request. This report begins with this introduction, Section 1, which describes how the project was initiated. Section 2 provides background information on asset management, the performance of gravel roads, and dust control agents. Section 3 describes the operational and analytical procedures used in this study. Section 4 contains the results of the data collection and analytical procedures. Section 5 summarizes these results with estimates of the county road networks' financial needs. Section 6 describes the current status of asset management by Wyoming county road and bridge departments. Section 7 contains recommended implementation procedures for other Wyoming county road and bridge departments. Volume II contains an example that shows how annual reports from the developed asset management system might appear. Such reports summarize the condition of and budgetary needs for a county's transportation assets. The appendices in Volume III contain additional details of many aspects of this study. They contain photographs of assets in various conditions excerpted from the training materials, published papers generated by this project, descriptions of the analytical procedures used in this study, detailed results obtained from the analytical procedures, and details of the recommendations for implementation in other counties. The CD contains Volumes II and III of this report, the GIS and rating data for ongoing use by the three counties, a number of maps generated during this study, and the data collection training materials.