Induction of ovarian tumors by heavy ion irradiation in B6C3F1 mice.

Six-week-old B6C3F1 mice were exposed to 0.439 Gy heavy ion irradiation as a 290 MeV/u carbon-ion beam (LET 10 keV/micron) at 2 cm from the upper proximal point of a spread Bragg beam and autopsied 13.5 months after the irradiation. In males total tumor incidences, mainly liver tumors, were 37.0% in irradiated group and 25.0% in control (P>0.05). In females the total tumor incidences were 32.3%, mainly ovarian tumors, in the irradiated group and 0% in the controls. These results indicate that heavy ion irradiation induces ovarian tumors in females but does not target any organ in males.