HADRIAN was created to make a step-function change in the way that inclusive design is accepted and
integrated within design practice. Tables of percentile data have now been replaced by holistic databases of
individuals covering a wide range of sizes and abilities. Whilst the initial research focussed on physical and
behavioural issues related to anthropometry and biomechanics, our current data collection also includes simple
emotional and cognitive data within the tool. Details of HADRIAN are presented, including our ‘journey
planner’ that is being developed that will compare an individual’s physical, cognitive and emotional abilities
with the demands that will be placed upon that individual during the envisioned journey. If the journey is
unachievable or very difficult, then that person is likely to feel socially excluded. It is intended that the planner
will identify a suitable alternative route and/or choice of transport mode. Designers will also be able to use the
planner to assess inclusive design issues for existing and new facilities.
Simon J. Williams,et al.
OPCS Surveys of Disability in Great Britain, Report 1: The Prevalence of Disability Among Adults (Book).
Keith Case,et al.
Computer-Aided Design and Human Models
Keith Case,et al.
HADRIAN: a human modelling CAD tool to promote 'design for all'.
D E Gyi,et al.
Representing older and disabled people in virtual user trials: data collection methods.
Applied ergonomics.