Output Signal Analysis for Variation of Resistance Passive Element in the R-L-C Equivalent Circuit Modeling under Temperature Accident Conditions in NPPs

Some abnormal signals diagnostics and analysis through an important equivalent circuits modeling for passive elements under severe accident conditions have been performed. Unlike the design basis accidents. there are inherently some uncertainties in the instrumentation capabilities under the accident conditions. So, the circuit simulation analysis and diagnosis methods are used to assess instruments in detail when they give apparently abnormal readings as an accident alternative method. The simulations can be useful to investigate what the signal and circuit characteristics would be when similar to a variety of symptoms that can result from the environmental conditions such as high temperature, humidity, and pressure condition. In this paper, a new simulator through an analysis of the important equivalent circuits modeling under temperature accident conditions has been designed, the designed simulator is composed of the LabVIEW code as a main tool and the out-put file of the Multi-SIM code as an engine tool is exported to in-put file of the LabVIEW code. The procedure for the simulator design was divided into two design steps, of which the first step was the diagnosis method, the second step was the circuit simulator for the signal processing tool. It has three main functions which are a signal processing tool, an accident management tool, and an additional guide from the initial screen. This simulator should be possible that it could be applied a output signal analysis to some transient signal by variation of the resistance passive elements in the R-L-C equivalent circuit modeling under various degraded conditions in NPPs.