Verification for robustness to laser-induced damage for the Aladin instrument on the ADM-Aeolus satellite

The Aladin instrument will fly on the European Space Agency’s ADM Aeolus satellite. The instrument is a Doppler wind LIDAR, primarily designed to measure global wind profiles to improve the accuracy of numerical weather prediction models. At the heart of the instrument is a frequency stabilized 355nm laser which will emit approximately 100mJ of energy in the form of 20ns pulses with a fluence around 1Jcm-2. The pulse repetition frequency is 50Hz meaning that Aladin will eventually have to accumulate 5Gshots over its 3 years planned lifetime in orbit. Due to anomalies that have occurred on previous spaceborne lasers, as well as a number of failures that we have observed in previous tests, an extensive development and verification campaign was undertaken in order to ensure that the Aladin instrument is robust enough to survive the mission. In this paper, we shall report the logic and the results of this verification campaign.