Text-To-Phoneme Mapping Using Neural Networks

Text-to-phoneme (TTP) mapping, also called grapheme-to-phoneme (GTP) conversion, defines the process of transforming a written text into its corresponding phonetic transcription. Text-to-phoneme mapping is a necessary step in any state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) system, where the textual information changes dynamically (i.e., new contact entries for name dialing, or new short messages or emails to be read out by a device). There are significant differences between the implementation requirements of a text-to-phoneme mapping module embedded into the automatic speech recognition and into the text-to-speech systems: in automatic speech recognition systems the errors of the text-to-phoneme mapping module are tolerated better (leading to occasional recognition errors) than in the text-to-speech applications, where the effect is immediately and in all cases audible. Automatic speech recognition systems typically use text-to-phoneme mapping to lower the footprint (to avoid storing the lexicon), while maintaining quality. The use of text-to-phoneme mapping in the text-to-speech systems is different. In addition to the phonetic information, the text-to-speech systems also need prosodic information to be able to produce high quality speech, which cannot be predicted by text-to-phoneme mapping. Most state-of-the-art text-to-speech systems use explicit pronunciation lexicon, which is aimed at providing the widest possible coverage, in the order of 100K words, with high quality pronunciation information. Because of this reason, text-to-phoneme mapping is typically used as a fall-back strategy, when the system encounters very rare or non-native words and the quality of a text-to-speech system is indirectly affected by the quality of the grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. Another important issue is the question of training the text-to-phoneme mapping module. The problem of grapheme-to-phoneme conversion is a static one and such a system is trained off-line. The correspondence between the written and spoken form of a language is usually unchanged in the lifetime of an application. So the complexity/speed of the model training is of secondary importance compared to e.g., the speed of convergence or model size. In this thesis, the problem of text-to-phoneme mapping using neural networks is stud-

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