GeoEtrim: Geospatial evaluation and training of images

GeoEtrim is a computation package written in Matlab platform having the purpose of geospatial evaluation and training of images. The current version of the software consists of GeoSpot-1.0 and GeoFigcon-1.0 sub-packages. GeoSpot-1.0 performs georeferencing of two SPOT HRG level 1A stereoimages with bundle adjustment, and analyses the efficiency of orientation parameters on the georeferenced coordinates. Mathematical model is a parametric model which considers interior and exterior orientation parameters. The achieved accuracy is ±1 m at GCPs and ±5 m at ICPs, and the interior orientation parameters are more effective than exteriors. GeoFigcon-1.0, the other sub-package, assesses sensor-independent georeferencing accuracy using figure condition method, a more rigorous analysis of accuracy. Current version is available for the mono images of IKONOS Geo, OrbView-3 Basic, and QuickBird OrthoReady Standard via affine projection. The results show the accuracy varies growing from center to edges of images accommodating height of topographic surface. GeoEtrim will be developed by the contribution of researches worldwide.