On-line Computer Control of Soaking Pits

Abstract The paper describes the research work being carried out jointly by Queen Mary College, London and the British Steel Corporation (Strip Mills Division). The work involves the application of a mathematical model which describes the cooling of the ingots prior to loading into the pits and secondly it describes the heating of the ingots whilst they are in the Soaking Pit. The model is in the form of a set of non-linear partial differential equations and the paper compares the results obtained for, firstly a one dimensional solution and, secondly, for a two dimensional solution. The work is being evaluated and developed using one of the Soaking Pits at the Llanwern Group of the British Steel Corporation. It is intended to apply the techniques developed to 16 new Soaking Pits at present under erection. The paper compares the advantages of using a hybrid computer against a pure digital computer. The model at present can be used for predicting the time required to heat and soak the ingots to a state suitable for rolling. It is intended to extend the use of the model for optimising the heating of ingots and the optimal loading of the pits.