Advances in Chebyshev quadrature

[1]  On weight functions for Chebyshev quadrature , 1975 .

[2]  柳原 弘毅,et al.  Chebyshev-Type Quadrature Formulas for Fourteen〜Seventeen Nodes , 1975 .

[3]  W. Gautschi Nonexistence of Chebyshev-type quadratures on infinite intervals , 1975 .

[4]  N. Jayarajan Error estimates for Gauss-Chebyshev and Clenshaw Curtis quadrature formulas , 1974 .

[5]  Sulle formule di quadratura di Tschebyscheff , 1974 .

[6]  柳原 弘毅 A Chebyshev quadrature formula for twelve nodes , 1974 .


[8]  T. J. Rivlin The Chebyshev polynomials , 1974 .

[9]  Walter Gautschi,et al.  On Chebyshev-Type Quadratures , 1974 .

[10]  Almost-Interpolatory Chebyshev Quadrature , 1973 .

[11]  C. Chui Concerning Gaussian–Chebyshev Quadrature Errors , 1972 .

[12]  R. Franke Best Chebyshev quadratures , 1971 .

[13]  D. Kahaner,et al.  Equal Weight Quadrature on Infinite Intervals , 1971 .

[14]  Some polynomials for complex quadrature , 1971 .

[15]  Existence of quadrature formulae with almost equal weights , 1971 .

[16]  D. Kahaner Chebyshev Type Quadrature Formulas , 1970 .

[17]  P. Rabinowitz,et al.  Chebyshev-Type Integration Rules of Minimum Norm , 1970 .

[18]  Estimating Gauss–Chebyshev Quadrature Errors , 1969 .

[19]  D. Kahaner On Equal and Almost Equal Weight Quadrature Formulas , 1969 .

[20]  A new type of Chebyshev quadrature , 1969 .

[21]  On Davis’s Method for the Estimation of Errors of Gauss-Chebyshev Quadratures , 1969 .

[22]  Franz Stetter Error bounds for Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature , 1968 .

[23]  On a Generalization of the Midpoint Rule , 1968 .

[24]  M. M. Chawla,et al.  Error estimates for Gauss quadrature formulas for analytic functions , 1968 .

[25]  A. Meir,et al.  A variation of the Tchebicheff quadrature problem , 1967 .

[26]  J. L. Ullman A class of weight functions that admit Tchebycheff quadrature. , 1966 .

[27]  J. Ullman A class of weight functions for which Tchebycheff quadrature is possible , 1966 .

[28]  Irene A. Stegun,et al.  Handbook of Mathematical Functions. , 1966 .

[29]  D. Jagerman Investigation of a modified mid-point quadrature formula , 1966 .

[30]  P. Erdös,et al.  On Tchebycheff Quadrature , 1965, Canadian Journal of Mathematics.

[31]  F. D. Burgoyne The non-existence of certain Laguerre-Chebyshev quadrature formulas , 1963 .

[32]  J. Ullman Tchebycheff quadrature on the infinite interval , 1963 .

[33]  J. Ullman Tchebycheff quadrature is possible on the infinite interval , 1962 .

[34]  H. Wilf THE POSSIBILITY OF TSCHEBYCHEFF QUADRATURE ON INFINITE INTERVALS. , 1961, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[35]  Anthony Ralston,et al.  Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers , 1960 .

[36]  Rudolph E. Langer,et al.  On Numerical Approximation , 1959 .

[37]  Numerical Integration Formulas for use with Weight Functions $x^2$ and $x/\surd{\overline{1 - x^2}}$ , 1959 .

[38]  Numerical integration formulas for use with weight functions ² and /√(1-²) , 1959 .

[39]  H. E. Salzer Equally-weighted quadrature formulas for inversion integrals , 1957 .

[40]  Sulle formule di quadratura , 1956 .

[41]  H. E. Salzer Equally Weighted Quadrature Formulas over Semi-infinite and Infinite Intervals , 1955 .

[42]  Numerical Integration with a Weight Function x , 1949 .

[43]  H. E. Salzer Tables for Facilitating the Use of Chebysbev's Quadrature Formula , 1947 .

[44]  On Gauss' and Tchebycheff's quadrature formulas , 1944 .

[45]  R. P. Bailey Convergence of sequences of positive linear functional operations , 1936 .

[46]  R. Radau Étude sur les formules d'approximation qui servent à calculer la valeur numérique d'une intégrale définie. , 1880 .