Integration of the FORMOSA PWR in-core fuel management optimization code into nuclear design code systems

North Carolina State University has, in collaboration with Duke Power and Carolina Power and Light Company (CP and L), developed an in-core fuel management code, FORMOSA, which automatically provides the much needed computational capability to determine optimal pressurized water reactor loading patterns (LPs) for a variety of objective functions. FORMOSA employs simulated annealing to control the optimization process, using the exchange of fuel assemblies between randomly selected locations to seek improvements in the LP. Candidate patterns are assessed using second-order generalized perturbation theory (GPT) expressions for the characteristics of interest based on a two-dimensional, coarse-mesh finite difference discretization of the two-group neutron diffusion equations. Before its potential can be exploited, FORMOSA must be integrated into a utility's nuclear design system. This task was undertaken at both Duke Power and CP and L, which employ the Studsvik and Scandpower methodologies, respectively.