Conversation: Cognitive, communicative and social perspectives

1. Editor's Preface 2. Dialogue despite Difficulties: A Study of Communication between Aphasic and Unimpaired Speakers (by Anderson, Anne H.) 3. Polyphonic Topic Development (by Chafe, Wallace) 4. The Construction of a Collaborative Floor in Women's Friendly Talk (by Coates, Jennifer) 5. Memory and Conversation: Toward an Experimental Paradigm (by Dickinson, Connie) 6. The Occasioning and Structure of Conversational Stories (by Ervin-Tripp, Susan M.) 7. Coherence in Multi-Party Conversation: Episodes and Contexts in Interaction (by Linell, Per) 8. Choosing the Right Quantifier: Usage in th Context of Communication (by Moxey, Linda M.) 9. Conflict Talk: Understanding and Resolving Arguments (by Stein, Nancy L.) 10. Communicating Evaluation in Narrative Understanding (by Trabasso, Tom)