Diode-side-pumped Nd:YAP triangle

Nd:YAP slab crystal in the form of triangle with the Brewster-angle-cut input faces was used as an active medium for diode-side-pumped laser. Optical pumping was accomplished by a quasi-CW diode ARR18P400 with peak power 400 W closely attached to the active crystal without any coupling optics. The maximum generated output energy in free-running multimode regime was 26 mJ and 17 mJ for wavelengths 1079.6 nm and 1341.6 nm, respectively. Corresponding maximal slope efficiency was 30% and 19%, respectively. The output radiation was horizontally polarized. With the insertion of the LiF:F2- saturable absorber in to the optimized resonator, the pulses with the peak power 30 kW (wavelength 1079.6 nm, length 70 ns FWHM, energy 2 mJ) were obtained at wavelength 1079.6 nm. This system is enough compact and power-full to be useful tools for medical application.