robOCD: Robotic Order Cups Demo { An Interactive Domestic Service Robotics Demo

This paper describes an interactive demonstration by the AllemaniACs' domestic service robot Caesar. In a home-like environ- ment Caesar's task is to help setting the table. Besides basic capabilities of an autonomous mobile robot it uses methods for human-robot inter- action and it also has a sophisticated high-level control that allows for decision-theoretic planning. We use this demo to illustrate the interplay of several modules of our robot control software in carrying out com- plex tasks. The overall system allows to perform robust reliable service robotics in domestic settings like in the RoboCup@Home league. Also, we show how our high-level programming language provides a power- ful framework for agent behavior specication that can be benecially deployed for service robotic applications. The system was showcased re- peatedly, most notably at a national RoboCup competition and at an international conference.