Planning Simulation Model of Irrigation District

A simulation model is presented for planning the conjunctive use of irrigation water from a single multipurpose reservoir and an aquifer, and the allocation of cropped areas within an irrigation district. The model considers cropping patterns, profits for the farmers in the irrigation district, monthly reservoir and aquifer operating schedules for a one-year planning horizon, and hydropower generation. The model reproduces the performance of the irrigation system under the management policies specified by the planners themselves, given certain initial conditions, hydrological and economic input parameters, cropping patterns, reservoir and aquifer releases, and structural characteristics. Solution to the irrigation-planning simulation model is obtained through the use of a computer program module developed for a microcomputer. The capability of the simulation model is illustrated by applying it to planning the management of an irrigation district in northern Mexico. The model permits the study of alternative cropping patterns in the irrigation district and yields the monthly schedule of reservoir storages and releases and aquifer withdrawals as well as the annual profit in the district.