Queuing Theory Based Service Performance Evaluation Under H2h And M2 M Blending Traffic Arriving

Abstract Machine type communications (MTC), which mainly refer to the communications between Machines (M2 M), draw great attention these days. Blending traffic arriving, M2 M together with the traditional H2H (Human to Human), brings new problems and should change the network technologies in several aspects. Based on queuing theory, this paper models blending traffic and evaluates the service performance. The M2 M and H2H present very different characteristics, so we introduce two metrics, the bursty and the size of batch, to model different types of services mathematically. Concepts Basic Service and BBU are proposed to solve the problem of bandwidth allocation under the blending arriving. BBU, basic bandwidth unit, is defined as the demanding bandwidth of basic service, while Basic Service refers to M2 M shortest data service. Any other services are believed to occupy integral multiple of BBU. We get the numeric solutions of our queuing model. In performance analysis, the features of new M2 M services are specially addressed. The simulations present the scenarios when MTC come into use, also show that some technologies proved to be effective to H2H services, such as bandwidth reservation which should be optimized under the blending arriving.