The validation of the VESTA 2.2.0 Monte Carlo depletion code has been initiated using the Spent Fuel Isotopic Composition Database (SFCOMPO). The work presented in this paper is limited to one fuel sample, the GU3 PWR-UOX sample from the ARIANE program, which has a reported burn up of 52.5 MWd.kgHM-1. The chemical analyses of the studied fuel sample were performed by 2 independent laboratories at the end of irradiation and cooling time. US and European evaluated nuclear data libraries, namely ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2, but also the more recent ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 are used for the VESTA 2.2.0 calculations. The isotopic concentration results are compared to experimental data and the C/E agreement is analyzed in the light of the previous VESTA 2.1.5 validation results obtained using ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1 nuclear data libraries.
Mark R. Gilbert,et al.
FISPACT-II: An Advanced Simulation System for Activation, Transmutation and Material Modelling
B. Cochet,et al.
Capabilities overview of the MORET 5 Monte Carlo code
ICS 2014.
W. Haeck,et al.
Experimental validation of VESTA 2.1
ICS 2014.
W. Haeck,et al.
Monte Carlo depletion calculations using VESTA 2.1 new features and perspectives
A. G. Croff,et al.
ORIGEN2: a revised and updated version of the Oak Ridge isotope generation and depletion code