Information-Centric Networking : A Thorough Evaluation of Popularity-based Probabilistic On-path Caching

The original Internet architecture was conceived to establish a connection between two participants. However, Internet usage today is dominated by content distribution and retrieval that comes in contrast to the host-based communication model of the network infrastructure. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) provides an alternative to the traditional Internet architecture by focusing on content. ICN networking is based on the publishsubscribe paradigm and the features of naming and innetwork caching. In-network caching can be categorized into off-path caching and on-path caching with regard to the location of caches and the delivery path. The contribution of this paper lies on the placement of copies in on-path in-network caching. Our aim is to examine the suitability of a probabilistic algorithm, ProbPD, based on two variables, the contents popularity rates P and the distance ratio of each node from the source D, using the performance metrics of cache hit rates, cache eviction rates, hop counts and content delivery times. To this end, we present a thorough evaluation of the proposed caching mechanism and published alternatives based on Rocketfuel traces and YouTube traffic with regard to a number of parameters such as the catalog size |O| and the chunk size Ch. Our results suggest that the performance of the algorithms may be considerably affected by both these factors. In particular, our approach may provide significant gains if certain conditions are met, such as |O| ≤ 10.000 or Ch≤ 10KB.

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