Advances in surface EMG: recent progress in detection and processing techniques.

This article is the first section of a review work structured in three parts and concerning a) advances in surface EMG detection and processing techniques, b) recent progress in surface EMG clinical research applications and, c) myoelectric control in neurorehabilitation. This article deals with the state of the art regarding a) the electrode-skin interface (equivalent circuits, skin treatment, conductive gels), b) signal detection modalities, spatial filters and front-end amplifiers, c) power line interference removal, separation of propagating and non-propagating potentials and removal of outliers from surface EMG signal maps, d) segmentation of surface EMG signal maps, e) decomposition of surface EMG into the constituent action potential trains, and f) relationship between surface EMG and force. The material is presented with an effort to fill gaps left by previous reviews and identify areas open for future research.