An Atlas of extraterrestrial particles collected with NASA U-2 aircraft, 1974 - 1976

Extraterrestrial particles collected during U-2 flights in the stratosphere were divided into four groups: chondritic, iron-sulfur--nickel, mafic silicates, and others. The chondritic aggregates are typically composed of Fe, Mg, Si, C, S, Ca, and Ni. Detectable levels of He-4 implanted from the solar wind occur in some. Olivine, spinel, and possibly pyrrhotite and a hydrated layered-lattice silicate were identified. The chondritic ablation particles contain no sulfur and appear to have been melted. Magnetite, olivine, and pyroxene were identified. The iron-sulfur-nickel type particles resemble meteoritic iron sulfide with a small amount of nickel, and contain magnetite and troilite. The mafic silicate type particles are iron magnesium silicate grains with clumps of chondritic aggregate particles adhering to their surfaces. Olivine and possibly pyrrhotite and pyroxene were identified. Most of the iron-nickel type particles are spherules and include taenite and wustite. The other type particles include nickel-iron mounds on spheroidal glassy-like grains having chondritic-like elemental abundances.