Endocytosis and the recycling of plasma membrane

The study of endocytosis has traditionally focused on the contents of endocytic vacuoles, i.e., extracellular fluid, dissolved solutes, and macromolecules or particles which specifically or nonspecifically bind to the plasma membrane (PM). Substances that are endocytosed include important nutrients, toxins, effector molecules (growth factors, hormones, antibodies), enzymes, and pathogens. This article centers on the properties and dynamics of the endocytic vacuole membrane. In many instances we will stress observations on cultured mouse macrophages with which we are most familier. We will emphasize four points: (a) Movement of vesicles is rapid such that endocytosed membrane and contents move from one cellular compartment to another in seconds to minutes. (b) Vesicular movement requires the interiorization and flow of large amounts of PM) (c) In many instances, internalized PM must recycle or return intact to the cell surface. (d) During recycling, contents and membrane components can be sorted from one another; e.g., endocytosed contents can accumulate within the cell while the container (membrane) can move into and out of the cell after one or more fusion events with other endocytic vacuoles, lysosomes (Ly), or Golgi apparatus. While it has been difficult to obtain direct evidence, the literature is replete with examples in which rapid membrane flow and recycling readily explains the data. Two of the more striking examples derive from studies of pinocytosis in cultured ceils. Fibroblasts, for instance, interiorize the equivalent of 50% of their surface area and 5-10% of their cell volume during each hour of pinocytic activity. Yet, the overall dimensions of the cells and the vacuolar system remain constant throughout hours, even days, of endocytic activity. Since it is unlikely that internalized PM is rapidly degraded, it was proposed that

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